Spreading myself too thin–I’ve done it again!

Aargh–I’m spreading myself too thin again. And I promised myself I wouldn’t let it happen. So it’s time to pause and reassess. I have to earn my living, but I’ve given myself a bunch of other stuff to do besides. Mostly good stuff, but I feel like I’ve lost my focus in all my self-imposed busyness.

I like being busy, but I know this is an old pattern–taking on too many things and feeling overwhelmed.

spreading myself too thin
time to pause and smell the lilacs (which are still buds here)

Spreading myself too thin–the poem

I haven’t ended up writing nearly as much poetry as I’d wanted to this month. And I love writing poetry! I’ve been enjoying and living vicariously through some of the projects of other kidlitosphereans. You can check out the roundup for National Poetry month in this blog post.

So I decided to write a poem about what I do to myself (it’s pretty much an exaggeration)

I've done it again
Spread myself too thin
I neither finish nor begin
just close my eyes and spin.

I promised I wouldn't
I know that I shouldn't
Yet I cannot seem to stop
Running and yessing
Twirling, second-guessing
imitating a spinning top.

I flounder as I swim
like a fish with one fin
there's my tail again
It's time to look within

Take a nap, take a break
don't be a speed freak,
Breathe in some relief
Pausing, reflecting,
Giving up perfecting
Creating a new motif

spreading myself too thin
Time for a pause–Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Time for a pause

It’s hard because I have so many obligations right now–not all of them to myself. But I know I need to take at least a few hours to be quiet, maybe do some journaling and doodling, listen to music, take a nap, take a long walk.

I’m doing better than I have in the past with this. It seems like even just a couple of years ago I didn’t stop until I (literally) made myself sick. So I think I’ve avoided that–it’s good incentive to slow down while I still have a choice.

And I’m not really beating myself up about it–just noticing and choosing to correct my course. So that seems like huge progress to me!

Please be sure to take a moment or two to check out this week’s Poetry Friday gathering, hosted by Catherine at Reading to the Core–who shares a wonderful poem-in-progress in response to a prompt about hope in defiance of hate.

And thank you so much for stopping by.

Have a wonderful–and not too busy–week!


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  1. Take heart, Susan….many of us that write poems know this pattern oh, so well. For some of us, it’s our life’s work to find balance. I love your poem…it has the feel of being busy with the desire to find more time. What a gift. I’d love to share this with my students, may I?

    1. Thanks, Linda- and I’d be honored to have you share with your students!

  2. Thanks for your poem about this all-too-familiar experience.

    1. Thanks. It’s an ongoing challenge!

  3. It’s been even easier to say ‘yes’ during this past year & more, wanting to connect with people in some way. I hear you, Susan, I want to do everything, but really, just want to write & read. I love the implication of this line: “here’s my tail again
    It’s time to look within”. Best wishes for change!

    1. Thanks, Linda. You’re so right! I’ve been busier than ever this past year or so- and more stressed, too. Definitely time for me to pause!

  4. I am noting a theme as I move from blog to blog. Apparently, spring has everyone caught in a bit of busyness. I think taking a nap sounds like the perfect solution. It is so hard for us to carve time to just be a bit. I enjoyed your poem. I think we all know this stanza well:

    “I promised I wouldn’t
    I know that I shouldn’t
    Yet I cannot seem to stop
    Running and yessing
    Twirling, second-guessing
    imitating a spinning top.”

    Wishing you a bit of pause in the week ahead.

    1. It does seem to be going around!

  5. I love the language you’ve used! It really captures that feeling of going so fast you lose your bearings. Wishing you all the time you need to stop spinning and find your balance again.

  6. […] but I’ve been exploring the poetry of self-compassion. In my last post, I wrote about feeling overwhelmed and breathless. And I’ve been feeling that a lot of late–which is why I took a break from one of my […]

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