What rhymes with AAAARGH–poetry for our time


AAAARGH! That summarizes how I’m feeling this week. I’ve been keeping myself busy.

It’s finally ready–my DIY Parent-Child class

My new DIY parent-child class is ready to go–and I have a free fall sampler. A sign-up is at the end of this post. I’m excited about that. And I hope it will bring some joy into the world. But…..


And yet we keep trying

And I’ve been figuring out all this technical stuff–like how to make the sign-up at the end of this post. AAAARGH–that’s an AAAARGH of a different kind.

But I learned from my brother, who’s a computer engineer, that those things just take patience and lots of Googling. He was helping me figure something out with an indexing program and it took him a long time. I thought it would be a snap for him. But he told me that’s what he does every day. So I don’t feel so incompetent and frustrated when it takes me a few hours to do things like that. Hopefully, it will be faster next time.

In many ways, dealing with those technical problems is better than dealing with the real world right now. In my personal life–and even professional life–all is well. Except it’s still kind of smoky here some days. I wrote about the smoky days a couple of weeks ago.

Making a contribution

For me, this makes life bearable. There are so many things I have no control over. But having good work to do helps a lot. As does creating art and writing. I’ve been doing a lot of drawing. And I just finished spinning a beautiful skein of merino wool yarn. I was going to dye it today but ended up spending a lot of time on computer tech stuff. I also indexed a wonderful history textbook this past week–the first time I worked on a textbook for kids!

And I shared my new YouTube video today–squirrel verses for fall. If anyone had told me that I’d be shaking my tail and singing for all to see–I probably wouldn’t have believed them. I am/used to be/would like to think that I’m too dignified for that. But that was probably never true, except for a few years in my late teens or early 20s.


A poem–where we find out what does rhyme with AAAARGH

Did you know that today is National Math Storytelling day? (It’s also my brother Andrew’s birthday–Happy birthday!)

Jone Rush McCullough, who hosts Poetry Friday this week, suggested writing a poem with a mathematical form. One of the forms is called an Arun. It’s a 15 line poem in 3 stanzas, and each line in a stanza increases from 1 to 5 syllables. (I don’t think it has to rhyme–I just thought it would be fun to try.) It also reminds me of Help, Thanks, Wow: Three essential prayers by Anne LaMott. I loved that book–but this poem is nothing like it.


life’s bog

I’m agog

But on I slog

Like a jumping frog



I sneeze

from the breeze

with smoky wheeze

from forest and trees



what gloom

where’s my broom

sweep clean this room

so new life can bloom


And that’s all for today. Do you have three words that capture how you feel right now? If so, let me know (that’s a bonus poem!)

Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you’re here.







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  1. […] can read my post on Soul Blossom Living to get an idea of how I’m feeling. It’s titled What rhymes with AAAARGH?, which might give you a […]

  2. Good ol’ Charlie Brown… you DID find a rhyme for AAAARGH and it’s enchanting! The rhyming Arun works beautifully. I am grinning about the link to Lamott’s work and “this poem is nothing like it.” Spoken by a true writer – all those connecting strands don’t always have visible threads, but they’re there.

    1. Thanks, Fran! I sure had fun with that little poem.

  3. I enjoyed your presentation. Keep doing more.

    1. Thanks, Mom. I love you 💕 and appreciate your support!

  4. Your arun is great fun! I think rhyming works so well and I love the hopeful ending. (I’m more than ever a sucker for a happy ending these days, or at least a glimmer of hope.)

    1. Thanks, Molly. I needed a hopeful ending, too!

  5. I love the idea as Arrgh for a poem… my three words of late:


    1. I can totally relate to those 3 words!

  6. Susan, finding technical glitches and “righting” them is always tricky. It is great that you have a technical person in your family to sort out the issues. You have been busy with your fun video, poetry, and readings. I can imagine that your parent / child class will enjoy your work with them.

    1. Thanks, Carol

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