Green is the new brown (or vice versa)

The earth is turning green all around me. I started April with high hopes for doing at least a little bit of poetry writing every day. Well, so far, it’s been about every other day–not too bad!

green, brown, and white
This is from a while ago–there’s no snow on the ground right now–but probably more coming next week!

Green is the new busy

Not really sure what that means, but everything is turning green around here–even though we had some snow flurries this morning–and I am really busy.

I’ve been filling in for our administrator at the school I used to teach at. Just for a couple of hours a day. Greeting all the kids and walking them into the classrooms, since parents aren’t allowed inside (and the kiddos are 2-6 years old). Checking email and phone messages. It’s been really nice to see the children and teachers again!

Plus, this week, I’ve been helping with movement assessments for the 5-year-olds. We call them zoo games. I take the kids on a trip to the zoo. We jump, skip, gallop like zebras, crawl like lions, roll around like roly-poly bugs, take flamingo naps on one leg–and more. It’s really fun–and after doing 4 of those in a row, I’m pretty tired!

Add to that some editing work and my own writing, etc–well, like I said, I’ve been busy.

Another diamante poem

I really liked writing the diamante poem about breathing, earth and star last week. So I decided to write another one. This one is about green and brown. The earth here is turning from brown to green. I can even see some green in the mountains which are a few miles away.

I’ve also started a new project with some dear friends. We’re working through the book 52 Weeks by Laura Summer which is based on Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul. Steiner wrote a verse for each week of the year that reflects the mood of the week. Laura Summer created an art exercise to do each week to work with these verses. I’ve read the verses before, but don’t really feel like I have a deep understanding of them–or a feeling of how they flow through the year.

In progress–pastel and pencil

Hopefully, this will help deepen my understanding. But even if not, it will be a wonderful way to connect with my wonderful friends.

Green-Brown diamante

Lively, fresh
Awakening, growing, reaching
Air, sunlight, moisture, earth
Resting, rooting, nourishing
Quiet, deep

National Poetry Month and Poetry Friday

It’s still National Poetry Month for all of April. You can find out more about NPM here. And check out the kidlitosphere NPM roundup in this post. And be sure to check out Tabatha Yeatts’s post with some bilingual poems–and the Poetry Friday links for today.

Thanks for stopping by–and happy NPM!


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  1. I think you have captured here what is need for life – both the rest and the awakening. It’s a wonderful thing to watch the world turn green.

    1. Thanks! It happens every year and it still fills me with wonder.

  2. I love this diamante, how it seems to begin with spring and end, after a summer (at least to me) with fall.

    1. Thanks, Janice!

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