My goodness how the time has flewn–a poetry mash-up

My goodness how the time has flewn featured image

“My goodness how the time has flewn” a mash-up poem –mas

How did it get so late so soon?

I’m late, I’m late,

It’s night before it’s afternoon,

For a very important date!

It’s December before it’s June.

No time to say hello, good-bye!

My goodness how the time has flewn

I’m late, I’m late,

How did it get so late so soon?

I’m late!


my goodness how the time has flewn--detail
Oh my ears and whiskers, it’s late

Happy Poetry Friday!

This is an update of a post I first wrote way back in 2016–back when I still taught as CWS, but was on my leave of absence. I’m going back through some of my old posts and shining them up a little and sending them back into the world. And since today is Poetry Friday, I figured I work on a poem. To see what other poets are working on this week, check out our Poetry Friday host, Kathryn Apel–who includes a new and an old poem–plus links to other poets. Feel free to join the fun!

My goodness how the time has flewn: A poetry mash-up

Here’s the inspiration for “My goodness how the time has flewn,” a mashup of Dr. Seuss and Lewis Carroll:

I read an article in Writer’s Digest Magazine (March-April 2016) called “9 Ways to Polish Your Poetry for Publication” by Lauren Camp. The eighth way she wrote about was interlacing two different poems.  She says that’s how the Beatles wrote the lyrics to “A Day in the Life.”

Then I started thinking of these two poems–“How did it get so late so soon” by Dr. Seuss and “I’m late, I’m late” by Lewis Carroll via the white rabbit.  And I wondered if I could interlace them.  This is what I came up with.  It expresses that feeling I’ve been having of time rushing past–not just this year, but maybe ever since my daughters were born.  Oh, there were some very long nights that seemed to go on forever, but the time still went by very quickly.  Like Gretchen Rubin says in The Happiness Project, “The days are long but the years are short.”
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Thanks for stopping by, but I’ve gotta go–I’m late!


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  1. It works, loved it?

  2. I love this! I have been playing with poetry too and discovered Found Poetry (my F letter post). Its so fun to try new things and your poem here went together in a really cool way.

    1. Thank you and next I’m going to read about found poetry!

  3. […] The last time I wrote about a rabbit, I did a poetry mashup with the white rabbit from Lewis Carroll and Dr. Seuss–about time. […]

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