Soul Blossoming A to Z: M is for Meditating

M is for meditating

Meditating/ Meditate: think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation. (Google dictionary)

to engage in contemplation or reflection (Merriam Webster)

It’s M for Monday and for meditating!

m is for meditating

I’m back with more of the A to Z blogging challenge and more about one of my favorite subjects: meditation.

I’ve posted about meditation before:

Meditation basics

Rainbow Chakra meditation and

Welcome to the Meditation room

are my more recent posts on this topic.

meditating quote
Thich Nhat Hahn on meditation (photo by me)

In order to blossom, we need strong roots

As a sensitive person and an empath, it’s very easy for me to get ungrounded. I tend to get washed away in the flood of feelings around me (except when I’m by myself, of course). In order to stay grounded, meditation is one of my key tools. I meditate almost every day, although there have been weeks or months when I haven’t.

I think I always tended toward meditating. I remember in grade school staring out the picture window in our living room. It overlooked a ravine. I’d never heard of meditation at that point, but I’d sit quietly and look out at nature. Often I’d write poems. Actually when I think of it, not much has changed. Once again, I have a calming view to look at to help me calm and focus myself.

I often consciously send my roots deep down into the center of the earth to connect with Mother Nature. I do it in my meditation, and now, after doing it for so many years, I can also do it during everyday life. It’s a very useful tool to use with children. When they start spinning out, I sink my awareness deep into the earth. Often, it helps them to calm down, but even if it doesn’t, it’s better for at least one of us to stay calm!

The tree song

Here’s a song that the grade school children used to sing at the Chicago Waldorf School, where I used to teach and where both my daughters used to go school. Imagine about 30 first or second graders singing this song from their hearts. It made me cry every time!

Blossoming requires leaves growing up to the sunshine

Like the song says, in order to blossom, we need leaves to catch the sunshine for us. When I meditate, I send my roots deep into the earth, but I also send my consciousness up to the stars and sun in order to connect with the heavens, or the higher beings, if you prefer. Spirit is all around us, but in my meditation, it helps me to think in directions–down to the earth, up to the sky, and all around me. I talk about this in meditation basics–working with the 4 directions, but there are so many ways to meditate–and the right one is the one that works for you. For me, my meditation is constantly evolving.

Anyhow, those are a few thoughts on meditating. I’d love to hear what your experiences are–if any.

Thanks for stopping by. xoxo

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