Cat wisdom–good advice from a feline friend

Cat wisdom–it’s communicated with a look, a flick of the tail, a meow or purr. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been spending a lot of time (almost all my time) at home for the last almost 9 months, but I’m pretty sure my cat housemate is sharing his wisdom with me.

cat wisdom
Buddy asleep on my bed

He was also featured in my post about wabi-sabi last week.

Cat wisdom in a dream

I had a dream last night about an old friend who I haven’t seen for many years. I also had a crush on him back in the old days. In the dream, we were trying to get together, but it never quite happened. I thought maybe I’d go live with him, but that didn’t seem right, since we never really got together.

But the dream cat told me,”You don’t have to have done any particular thing to be together–just be together if you want.”

That gave me pause (but not paws)!

Cat wisdom–the poem

I tell him all about my dream,

my feline friend who took my spot on the bed

when I got up to open the blinds.

He lies in a patch of sunshine

on sheets still warm from my night’s sleep,

washing his paws–and listening.

Does the man in my dream represent my old friend

or is he a part of me, I ask the cat.

He pauses his ablutions to look at me

as though I’m an idiot and the answer is obvious.

He looks at me and I hear his wise voice in my mind:

“Is the pope Cat-olic?”

Indeed he is! No matter that this wasn’t a yes or no question–

This answer resonates with me–the man in my dream was both and neither.

Wise cat finishes his bath and with a satisfied sigh

settles down for a good morning nap,

His work of setting me straight finished for the moment.

I am now permitted to bask in his glorious presence.

cat wisdom

If you’d like more cat wisdom, I cam across this cute collection of quotes by writers about cats.

Well, that’s all for today.

I hope you have friends–feline or otherwise–who share their wisdom with you.

Have a wonderful week, and thanks for stopping by.


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  1. After cuddling next to my friend’s cat, I can imagine the wisdom that flows from a cat. Thanks for your poem and revealing your dream, Susan.

    1. Buddy belongs to my housemate, although I had my own cats until they passed a couple of years ago. I’m so happy to have him around. Even if he doesn’t really interpret my dreams, he brings a lot of comfort and love.

  2. Oh, your Buddy looks like my Ira. I do get so much from my cat…especially these days that I’m home so much. Whenever I get a bit stressed about that, Ira tells me to chill-out, rest a bit, put my legs up in a chair so he can sit and purr on my lap. He calms me down with this cat wisdom. Wonderful poem. Cheers!

    1. Thanks, Linda–There’s a cat that lives in the neighborhood that looks just like Buddy. It’s funny. But they are handsome cats! Buddy’s not a lap cat, though, much to my disappointment. He does like to hang out, though. And I do I love having him around.

  3. Our cat Hemingway doesn’t provide insight into our dreams, but he does remind us to relax and take a nap!

    1. That sounds like an important job! Naps with cats are the best even if they don’t help interpret our dreams. Buddy usually answers when I talk to him–but what he says is ope to interpretation.

  4. I don’t have a cat but I think it might be nice to have one, sometimes. Something about such a calm, maybe wise presence nearby.

    1. I had my own cats, but they both died a couple of years ago. So when I moved in with my new housemate and dear friend, her cat has definitely been a bonus. I get all the good stuff and not too much responsibility!

  5. Hahaha–love this, Susan. I miss having cats and basking in their glorious presence!

    1. Thanks, Laura. Buddy is my housemate’s cat. And I’m loving having him around–especially when I’m home most of the time.

  6. This line:
    “Is the pope Cat-olic?”

    I laughed out loud. Such wisdom.

    1. Thanks, Jone. I’ve always had talkative cats–and I love that! Of course, their responses are open to interpretation!

  7. I’m a dog person, so I can’t say for sure about cats, but I do know that my dog regularly imparts his wisdom. Some of which is pretty good. And he is also a big fat sunny space stealer!

    1. Our 4-legged companions bring us lots of wisdom–and love! I always think it’s funny when they take the sunny spots–my dog I had when I was growing up did the same thing, and it’s even better if it was warmed by a person, too.

  8. […] from time to time. And I’m so happy to be sharing my home with Buddy the cat. Here’s a post about the some of the wisdom Buddy has shared with […]

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